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The word forums is in the title of the book and the book itself is focused on forums. That much is true. But, this is not a book that is only for forums. This is a practical guide to managing social interaction online. Besides just forums, this can also include:


The most successful blogs are communities, in and of themselves, that need to be managed, including blog comments and interaction between readers.


Groups and forums share a number of similarities – mainly, people talking and discussing issues. While the media may be different, the result is often similar and many of the same principles apply.

Chat Rooms

Chat rooms, like groups, are home to interaction between people. This interaction needs to be managed so that the chat room can flourish. This includes the creation of guidelines and firm, but fair enforcement of them, just like forums.

Social Networking

Yes, even social networking sites feature discussion between people. In fact, forums represent an important feature for many social networks. They may or may not call them “forums” depending on the site – but, they often have similar features and are, more or less, forums by a different name.

In so many words, this book can be a valuable part of the arsenal for anyone charged with managing any location online that allows people to interact, talk, discuss issues and get help, whether or not they are called “forums.”

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